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How to fit a terminal cup into a subwoofer box enclosure

A terminal cup makes the subwoofer or speaker enclosure look more professional and also makes wire connections much easier to connect and disconnect.

Instructions on how to fit a terminal cup into your enclosure:

1)To install a terminal cup to your enclosure, you will need the following things:

*A jigsaw
*Felt tip pen or marker
*A terminal cup

2)Firstly, place your terminal cup onto the enclosure, were its suitable and place it upside down.

3)Get your felt tip marker and carefully draw around the cup, making a accurate outline.

4)Plug in your jigsaw and saw through the line you just drew onto your speaker box.

5)Using your sandpaper, smooth down the edges and corners around the terminal hole you just cut, to make the box look more professional.

6)Connect your speaker wires to the terminal and then place the terminal inside the box firmly.

7)Using your drill make relevant holes were the screw holes are placed on the terminal. Usually on rectangular terminals the screws are located in each corner of the terminal cup.

8)Insert your screws into the holes you just drilled and using a screwdriver screw them in nice and tight.
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