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How to prevent you xbox 360 from falling over

1)Do not place your xbox 360 console vertical as this can increase the chance of somebody going past your console and knocking it down.If your console gets knocked down while the game disc is spinning you will damage the disc and it will be scratched.

2)Make sure your xbox 360 is placed far away from you and in a tidy place like under you telly.This can reduce the chances you falling over and reduce the chance of you causing damage to the console.Make sure you xbox is in a cool place and were heat can escape out as this can reduce the chances of having the 3 red ring of death displayed on the front lights of the console.

3)If you have a old xbox 360 model and its has a wired controller then replace that with a wireless controller.This can stop you from tripping over you controller wire which means it will stop chances of it dropping.
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