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How to clean your PS3 console, make it look brand new!

All consoles look really mint and look shiny, when you buy them brand new. A used preowned PlayStation 3 console will always need a quick clean to make it look better. But as days, weeks and years go by your console starts to look older again. But if you give a quick clean, hoover and a wipe it will look brand new again as i explain how below:.

*Firstly unplug your console and remove all the wiring that is connected to it. Then take your console to a clean environment with available space, for example a table were you can do the cleaning process.

*Next get hold of  a lower powered  hoover and suck up all the dust you see on the console. Make sure you hoover the console's air vents, making them dust free and prevent overheating occurring in the future. Doing this can improve the air flow of the cooling system and can increase its lifespan and reduce the chance of getting yellow light of death..

*Now clean the console with a damp soft cloth. Remember not clean in a circular motion because that motion will cause faint scratches on the PlayStation 3's glossy surface, if you have the glossy black colored version. Using your cloth, clean all the excess dust and finger prints you see on it.

*Next up is to get hold of some dashboard polish that is used for a car. Dashboard polish will work perfectly and brings that brand new shine and look out again. Apply some polish on a spare damp cloth and start rubbing in the polish on the ps3's housing. Now give it a good polish for around about 10 minuets, this is so the shine lasts more longer.
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