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How to clean subwoofers the correct way!

Your subwoofer will become dusty and dirty after sometime and giving it quick clean is ideal, so dust does not get into the spider and voice coil. Cleaning a subwoofer will also make it look more appealing and dust free. Below is a simple guide on how to clean a subwoofer cone:

1)Get a clean cloth, that is lint free and get some fairy liquid or any other cleaning soapy substance and gently dip the cloth into it. Only wet your cloth if your subwoofer cone material is made from plastic. If your subwoofer is made out of paper cone, don't wet your cloth, just leave it damp.

 2)Gently wipe the subwoofer cone, using you cloth upwards and downwards, only if the cone is made from PVC. If you clean in a circular motion on a PVC cone, you can cause the glossy surface to get scratched! If the cone is made from paper, you can clean the cone in a circular motion because paper can't get scratched the easily.

3)Get a hoover and suck up the dust on the edges of the rubber surround.
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