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How To Remove a Virus From a Ipod Shuffle

If your Ipod shuffle that has a mp3 track with a virus, your Ipod Shuffle can sometimes fail to power on and display a red light, although it is possible to remove the virus, the instruction are below:

1)Connect your Ipod shuffle to your computer, using the dock that got supplied with the Ipod.

2)Once you have connected the Ipod to your compute, If you have already installed the CD that comes with your Ipod shuffle, you should have the option that restores the Ipod's settings to factory settings. If you don't have the option to restore your Ipod, you will need to installed the CD or download off a website.

3)To find the restore option, simply go to start>programs>Ipod>Ipod restore. This is the main way to find the restore option, sometimes the option can be placed onto the desktop as well.

4)Once found, click on restore and the restoring process will begin, when the computer has finished restoring the Ipod shuffle to factory settings, you will be notified on the screen.
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