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How To Put PSP Console Into USB Connection Mode

The PSP console has a mini USB port, which allows you to use a mini USB cable to connect it to a computer. Once connected, you can transfer games, images, videos, themes and music directly onto the inserted memory stick. The other way you can do this, is by inserting the PSP memory stick into a card reader. But you may not have a card reader in your PC, so the only option available would be the USB method. If you just plug in the mini USB cable into your PSP, it will not automatically put itself into USB mode and will not work. I have found out that you have to do that manually, so follow the instructions that are provided.

1) Connect your PSP to your computer. Find the small end of the USB cable, the mini connector, insert that into the mini USB socket. This will be placed on the top of your PSP console.

2) Insert the other end other cable, the regular sized USB plug, into a free USB port on your desktop PC. You have now successfully made the hardware connection between both devices.

3) Flick the power switch to power on your console. Once it is landed on the XMB menu, scroll towards the left side and find 'Settings'. Once found, press the 'X' button to select 'Settings' and find 'USB Connection' and select that also.

4) Once selected, 'USB Mode' will be activated. It will say 'Please Wait' on screen for a couple of seconds. Once the message is gone, your PSP will now be enabled in USB mode. This will provide the portable console with functional connectivity with the source it is connected to.
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