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How To Wash a Henry Hoover Vacuum Filter

You can wash the vacuum filter inside your Henry Hoover if you notice a loss in suction power or you notice an unusual smell when its not picking up. If you prefer to replace it that's fine, however the most cost effective option would be to clean it every once in a while. These types of hoovers are indestructible and never let you down when you want to clean up that's what i like about them. They have been made up of strong hard plastics that make it rugged and prevent the internal motor from getting damaged. That's why you see so many car washes and cleaners use them. Great Stuff!

Instructions on how to carry out the maintenance works for all family range

1) Switch it off from the mains supply. You don't want to be working on the unit when there power going into it.

2) Attach some latex gloves on your hands to prevent dust and bacteria getting into your finger nails. 

3) De attach the plastic clips that are surrounding the top part. You will then be able to lift of the head 

4) Now remove the henry hoover paper vacuum filter.

5) Fill up your sink with warm water and two drops of washing up liquid. Then place the filter into there and leave it for 5 minutes. This allows sufficient time for the dirt to get absorbed by the water and provide a in depth clean.

6) Now that you have done that, place it on the washing line with a peg outside. Allow to fully dry before refitting this part to prevent damage.
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