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How To Fix Ecig Not Producing Not Enough Vapour Coming Out less Smoke

e cig not producing enough vapor

If you own an electronic cigarette, also known as a ecig and you notice that its not producing not enough vapour to get satisfied, you might need to increase the watts higher. If you have placed it lower than the minimum requirement for the coil to heat up the liquid, then you will notice that your ecig isn't producing much vapour. If thats not the issue, then you will need to change the coil inside the tank. This is the small heating element inside that transfers the eliquid into smokeabale vapour. Learn how to change the coil on your ecig by following these instructions.

1) Power off the cig.

2) You will need to remove the tank from the bottom battery part. 

3) On all tanks big or small, the coil is fitted at the bottom. Hold the tank upside down so that you don't spill any liquid. You will need to twist the top part of the tank anticlockwise.

4) Then unscrew the coil from the base and insert the new one.

5) Apply a few drops to the insides of the coil to prime it nicely. If you skip this step you could burn the wicks insides giving you a harsh burnt taste when vaping killing off the flavour.

6) Close the tank back up and refill the liquid to the top level. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes whenever you change to a fresh coil to ensure that it gets primed.
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