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How To Improve The Reception On a Nokia N97

The Nokia n97 is a great n series mobile phone, although your internet might be slow, or your calls get cut off can all be cause because of poor network coverage issues. Below are some excellent tips and solutions, that can help you improve the network signal and help boost signal strength, on your Nokia n97:

1)Search the network operator manually, instead of the n97 searching for phone masts automatically. When you search manually for a mobile phone mast, your phone finds all the network transmitters in your area. It then brings a list of different phone masts, that you can select, which are the closet to your n97. The closer the phone mast, the more likely you are to have good signal.

2)If you have poor 3g coverage in your area, switch over to 2g.

3)Poor reception can occur because of the surrounding around you, such as buildings and trees. These can block the signal and therefore give you poor signal strength. So try using your Nokia n97 away from these sort of objects and see if your signal has improved.

4)Maybe it could be the network provider offering poor network coverage, so switch to a different network and see if your signal as increased.
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