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How To Remove Frost From a Car Windshield

If you have kept your car outside when the temperature was ice cold because of heavy snow yesterday and today you notice the windshield on the car is full of frost?

Well if you have a garage it would be ideal for you to park the car inside there because this can prevent frost occurring on the windows on your car, stop the engine and also door locks from freezing up. Never mind, anyways to remove the frost from your car windshield grab hold of some deicer. In the deicer, it contains special chemicals that react with the ice on the windshield and magically removes it.

Instructions on how to defrost your car's windshield using a deicer can:

1)Give the can a good shake.
2)Then spray it all over the car windshield, if you have a ice scraper, you can scrape it on the windshield, this is to remove the frost quickly.
3)Stop spraying until the frost has melted.

If you don't have a deicer, you can use hot water in bowl as a quick alternative.

Instructions on how to defrost your car's windshield using hot water in a bowl:

1)Fill your kettle up with warm water, then switch it on and allow the kettle to boil the water.

2)Once the kettle has boiled the water to a hot temperature, pour the water into a bowl or a similar container.

3)Gently take the bowl with you to the car, then pour it all over the windshield. If the other windows are frosty pour the water over them as well.

4)Take the bowl back to your kitchen.
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