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How To Fix Xbox 360 VGA Cable Problems No Picture / Blank Screen

If you have connected your Xbox 360 console using a vga cable its not working, there is no picture or display and the screen is blank, you will need to start resolving this by troubleshooting with the basics first. To begin with ensure that all cables are connected firmly and are pushed in properly in the back of the console and the PC monitor or laptop screen. If all of the connections are perfect, then its most likely that the resolution for the monitor is setup incorrectly. For example, if you have a screen that supports only 720P and the console is setup for a 1080p full HD signal, its going to result in a blank screen. To setup the screen resolution on the Xbox 360 to the correct settings, you can reset the display settings.

1) Remove game disc from the tray.

2) Power off your Xbox 360 console.

3) Switch on the console. Immediately as the console loads up, press down the 'Y' button, then press in the trigger on the right hand side both simultaneously.

4) You will notice that the console will restart / power cycle and the display settings will now be set back to factory default settings.
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