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Don't buy the xblade pc gaming case its not worth buying

The x-blade computer tower is a case that is designed and made for powerful top end pc gaming components.It looks really good when you see it on a website for sale and it has everything you need because it comes with a 400 watt atx psu and side panel window that lights up all blue from the led's in the cooling fans.You can get the case in a wide range of different colors black,silver,red,yellow and green.But i will tell you there is better gaming cases for the same amount of money a xblade costs.

If you are thinking of buying the xblade pc case then that is a really big mistake.Your are probably thinking why it is? Well the case comes with free blue led fans one fan is a exhaust fan and one is the intake fan.The two fans that are included with the xblade case are really bad quality and are the cheapest cooling solution made from China.The cooling fans that come with the case make lots of noise and sound like a hairdryer or a jet taking off.They sound really loud and start to annoy you after a while when you get to know your xblade.If you already own a xblade case you will know what i am talking about.Another bad point is after a while after you bought the case the paint will start to flake off and loose color because of the manufactures used cheap coating paint.After a bit your case will look really old and tatty.The xblade case is really cheaply made and is made with poor quality its ok but you can get better.I recommend you leave the xblade pc case alone and look for another gaming case that has more to offer because it is really not worth buying it that's all.

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  1. I've got one and have the same issues. It is a pain in the ass!

  2. well i got my case for free and thats the best case of all

  3. i have buy and sell build up and sell xblade cases and do very well off them i have never had any complaints about them

  4. LOL bro you really think this case is bad?

  5. I Just picked up one for 20$ and it is loud and it is fading away. Though i still love the thing.

  6. I have one, got it free which may have made me view it through rose-tinted glasses, but nonetheless i feel it is a good little machine. The paint has stayed put, and it's quieter than several other PCs i've seen... I'd give it a good review, actually...

  7. dunno man ive had mine for 8 years and aside from dust it looks as good as it did the day i got it...

    found this looking to buy a second one so i dont have to strip it out

  8. hey i got all the bits for the x blade and it costed cheaper and made it my self i saved 250 pounds

  9. bought one for my daughter and her friends still think it's the coolest computer case they've ever seen.

  10. I have a X-blade but i have BSOD Can i fix it ?


    1. They case has nothing to do with your bsod.

  11. I have been searching for hours and I haven’t found such awesome work.more information

  12. Oh wait this is a gaming pc? Thats funny because I CAN'T EVEN RUN A SIMPLE NES EMULATOR. I can play Gameboy Advance, Genesis, and Super Nintendo games, but when it comes to NES, 64, or any other emulator, then your fucked. I can't even do anything with this because it's so god damn slow. It doesn't even read discs anymore no matter what kind. My parents are to stupid to notice it's no good and I' stuck with it until I can pay for my own, WHICH will probably never happen for a very long fucking time due to the fact that I started school early and I'm going to be out of school at 17 years old. I wont be getting a job anytime soon and people don't trust others around this neighborhood. I don't even get an allowence. I take out trash, I shovel snow, I put sand and salt out, I get the mail, I do dishes, I dust and vacuum the floors, and all sorts of other shit. But I can't get an allowence.

  13. It crap why?? it made of crap metal the motherboard hold the case in place when you move it.. lol

  14. and the guy over me is funny because you can put what you want in this case... a crappy p4 or a monster i7 3930k...

  15. @Cyrenhedgewolf, you do realise this is about the case, not a computer? The case is just one part which includes fans (sometimes PSUs too) and holds all the components such as cpu, gpu, memory, HDDs and SDDs inside it. So basically you could build the crappest pc ever and put it in this case, or you could build an amazing fast multicore pc and put it in. You cant blame your bad pc on the case

  16. Just blew the dust off my old X-Blade after about 3 years. The case is still in fantastic condition and the fans & the lights still work.

    However, the fans are more like industrial vaccuum cleaners than hairdryers, and it doesn't get any quieter.

    1. take the stickers off the back of the fans and drop a touch of oil in the bearing and get some foam any colour of you choice and make a filter from it it will dampen the suction noise and the oil will stop any whining/rattling

  17. I received this case free from a friend, and the fans aren't that loud, although it runs a bit warmer than I'd expect. also the leds in the circle on the fron dont turn on.

  18. Well, got mine new 6 years ago, still has the same fan and looks new. It may depend if you are a smoker or not, if your house is dusty or not, etc. I took care of mine and its a very good case.

  19. I own 2 of these cases & love them! One is the black one but I added in 3 Red LED fans, 1 Large Intake in the front & 1 Large exhaust in the back & a smaller exhaust on the side. The other is a Silver one that I bought Blue LED fans for, same set up as the other. I have had the silver one for 7 yrs & the Black for 5. They both look pretty much brand new, no paint chipping at all. My son & I both play MMO's all the time on them. They are well worth it to me & would by them again.

  20. I have two, one is 9 years old, but I no longer use it, and the other I have had for 6 years, and the paint is fine on both and the fans are fine too.

  21. I own 2 and love them look great and have had no issues
