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How To Use Veet Hair Removal Cream Without Spatula

use veet hair removal cream without spatula tool

If you don't like having hairy legs or arms like a monkey from a zoo then say hello to Veet hair removal cream for men or women. Basically applying this to all the hairy parts of your body will remove all unwanted hair without the nasty cuts from a razor blade or pain from waxing. How it works is when you leave it on, the Veet Hair removal cream breaks down the bottom parts of the hair. Once you have waited the sufficient time to remove the cream, you would usually use a spatula or sponge to remove the unwanted hair. This is because these tools allow you to push away the hair breaking it off in the shower. If you have lost the Spatula or it didn't come with the Veet hair removal cream then we have an alternative for you. We have noticed that in some cases this works better and is far more quicker removing the hair. 

1) Unscrew the protective cap from the veet cream.

2) Pour a line of cream over the body hair area that you want to remove. Since you don't have the supplied spatula use your hands to smooth it over the hairy area. Wash your hands after and why them dry using a bathroom towel.

3) Allow the hair removal cream on for around 6 to 10 minutes. Test a sample area to see if the hair has been removed, if its hasn't leave it on for longer.

4) Now its time to remove the cream this is the fun part. Jump in the shower and apply shower gel to a body scrubber.

5) Using the body scrubber, go in circular motions upwards and downwards you will see the hair fall when you look down at the shower. Keep doing this until all the veet cream is removed all without having to have the spatula tool.

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