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How To Change a Fuse In Sat Nav Charger Plug Socket

If a short circuit occurs during sat nav operation, the internal inline fuse inside the actual charger plug will blow out. The reason why the fuse is in place is because it protects the electrical circuitry from getting damaged from overload. When there is too much current, the tiny wire inside the fuse will snap. When this happens, it protects the actual Garmin or TomTom sat nav from blowing up. The fuse inside the sat nav charger plug is always replaceable, so don't throw it in the trash just yet! If you notice that your device is failing to power on and the led indicator is not lighting up, you should check the fuse inside. If you can fix it yourself at home, it will save you money because you don't have to buy a brand new replacement.

1) Remove the charger plug from its cigarette socket in your car. You don't want to be working on the device when live power is going through it!

2) Get hold of a flat head screwdriver. You will be using this to split up the two plastic covers into two parts. So insert the flat head into either side of the charger cover plastic in the middle, where the groove is. Keep going all the way around the groove to unlock the plastic clips.

3) Remove the top plastic part from the charger plug. You will see a small glass fuse fitted into the middle, where the middle pin connects. Simply pry out the fuse using your flat head screwdriver.

4) Obtain a fuse of the same amps and replace it back into the holder. When you're done, line up the top part of plastic back onto the other part. Then apply force around all corners to clip it back in place. 
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