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How To Easily Remove Scratches From Teeth At Home

The teeth are just like humans bones we contain and you can easily get a scratched tooth with objects such as your nails or with a eating fork. The top white part is made from a substance called enamel. This is the main layer on a tooth and is visible to all. If you notice that you have scratched your teeth by accident don't worry. After all your teeth are made to chew and crush food so that's what there made for, a few marks here and there won't really make any difference at all.

But if they are still concerning you, visiting your dentist to polish them out would be a good idea. However, there will be a charge for this service and frequently is costly. There is a homemade remedy that you can try at home. All you need a special tooth paste called 'Arm and Hammer Original Advanced White'. This is the best one for this repair because it's got a rough gritty texture and contains a special cleaning agent called baking soda.

1) Get a hard bristled toothbrush and rinse it under a tap that supplies cold water into your sink. The harder the brush, the better it is because it will help buff off the top coating layer of your scratched teeth quicker.

2) Unscrew the cap of the toothpaste tube and pour a significant amount from right to left across the cleaning bristles.

3) Insert toothbrush into your mouth and scrub rapidly in circular motions. This is so you can feel the grittiness of brush working in the scratched tooth surface. Clean for a maximum of 5 minutes twice a day both in the morning and before sleeping. You will need to keep this up for at least 4 weeks to see a noticeable difference or improvement.

4) Don't forgot to rinse out with fresh mint Listerine mouth wash!

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