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How To Change Batteries in a Sex Toy For Maximum Pleasure & Vibrations

change battery in sex toy

Most people these days carry their smartphone, wallet and a sex toy around. Now a sex toy is used to pleasure yourself in busy situations. Whether you are in a private home toilet or on a private park bench your bound to get horny at some point, after all we are human beans and its part of nature. Now the motor inside the sex toy is used to make it vibrate and turn you on quicker. The batteries that usually already come fitted inside the sex toy and good for a few hours. But they tend to be really cheap and just there so that you know that the product is working out of the box. If you want maximum pleasure and make your sex toy vibrator more faster then you will need to replace the batteries with new ones. The best brand is Duracell for long lasting power, even rechargeable work great since you don't have to keep throwing them away when you are done. 

1) Power off the sex toy.

2) Twist the bottom cap off the top part.

3) The AA battery will pop out.

4) Insert your new battery with the positive side facing upwards into the sex toy.

5) Place the bottom lid back on a twist it to secure it.

6) Switch on your sex toy to begin masturbation.

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