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How To Fix Sat Nav That Keeps Falling Off Windscreen Window

sat nav problems

If you find that your tomtom sat nav wont stick to the window or dashboard, the suction cup is not sticking properly onto the surface. This can be caused by a dirty surface or what is on the surface. For example, if you have recently cleaned your windows with cleaner, this will make the suction cup fall off after a while. The best way to ensure that your sat nav holder will stick onto the windscreen without falling off is by cleaning the surface. This will ensure that both ends of the pad and the screen you are sticking it onto will provide a solid bond with each other. Since the last thing you want is your sat nav falling onto your head in the middle of the road.

1) Remove the suction cup from the window.

2) Use plain water to clean down the surface. Simply wet a micro fibre cloth and wipe it around the area were you normally stick the sat nav onto the window. 

3) Once you have done, you are ready to clean the suction cup as well. Again, clean it with water. 

4) Once you have cleaned the sticky side of the suction cup and windscreen, attempt to stick the sat nav holder back onto the screen. The best technique is to press down the centre of the suction up when you stick it on. This will ensure that its air tight seal between the window and the holder.

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