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How To Make Your Own Cheap Sat Nav Holder

how to make your own homemade cheap sat nav holder

Having a sat nav on the road makes it easier for you to find places or locations that you are not aware of. You will need to have the sat nav mounted onto your cars dashboard in order to see it properly, so that you don't lose track of your progress or your destination. The holder will come with the sat nav if you have purchased it brand new, so have a look inside the box. If you dont' have a sat nav holder and you need to go somewhere urgently, then you will need to make your own sat nav holder in the meantime. The best way to make your own cheap homemade sat nav holder is to use a pencil. We will explain how its cost effective and works perfect. 

1) Get a blob of blue tak and mold one end of the pencil so that it forms the shape.

2) The end with the blue tak on place it onto the back of the sat nav. Make sure its moulded well onto it so that the pencil doesn't come off.

3) Place the pencil into the grill vent of your cars heaters. This will firmly secure the pencil pen from moving around.

4) Thats is you have made your own simple cheap homemade sat nav holder. The best thing about this is it works with all models. 

We don't recommend using this method all the time, its just as an temporary alternative in the mean time until you order an brand new sat nav holder online.

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