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How To Make Battery Last Longer On Fiio E11 Amplifier

The battery on the Fiio e11headphone amplifier provides a reasonable amount of battery life for the size it is. Some audiophile users experience that the battery drains far too quick for daily listening. There are two settings that the amplifier can be setup on. High power will provide more mw wattage with the sacrifice of battery life. Chances are that your amp is setup on the higher power setting right out of the box. If you don't need all that power and using efficient IEM headphones, then turning down the power will increase battery life and will have no impact on sound quality and staging at all.

1) Turn off the fiio e11 amplifier.

2) Unclip the back battery lid so that it comes off with your finger nail.

3) Remove the battery. Underneath you will see a small switch. 

4) Flick it into the 'Low Power' position right at the bottom.

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