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How To Wire a Computer Fan To a Battery

A computer fan is used to blow air onto heat sinks, to reduce the temperature of components that are operating in a computer, components such as the processor that generate lots of heat. A computer fan can also be used in the summer for our own use, to cool our body temperature down; this can be done by wiring a spare computer fan to a battery. A computer fan operates on 12 volts, so you will need a 12 volt battery to make the computer fan blades spin fast. You could use a square 9 volt battery, but the fan blades will not spin really fast, like they should.


1)A computer fan has 3 wires attached to it, one wire is a negative, the other wire is the positive and the third wire is the control. Snap off the control wire, using a wire cutter, as that wire will not be necessary for powering it from a battery.

2)Locate the terminals on the 12 volt battery, there should be two terminals in total, one will be negative and the other will be positive. If the wires on computer fan have no exposed braid, using wire strippers, strip off 2 cm off plastic coating of both wires. 

3)Wrap the braid of the positive wire, onto the positive (+) terminal on the battery and apply the same method with the negative wire, onto the negative (-) terminal on the battery.

4)Once you have made the connections, the fan will operate, you may want to wire a switch inline, so you can turn on and off the computer fan, but that is your choice.

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