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How To Fix ps3/wii Vga cable Washed Out Colors Problem Special Modifications

I have an spare PC Monitor and my television that i use on an daily basis for my gaming, which unfortunately is no longer working, so i had to send it back to the shop for an repair. In the mean time, i had to do with what i had, i had my ps3 320GB slim and a spare PC monitor. So i thought there must be a way to connect the ps3 to the PC monitor using VGA, like you can do with the Xbox 360 and turn my old dusty 22 inch widescreen LCD monitor into an high definition display. So i found a cable called Mayflash ps3/wii cable on Ebay and Amazon and looked at reading its specs and the reviews, it said that it can provide resolutions up to 1080p, i thought to myself i gotta get this, just to try it out, to see how the quality was like.

Couple days later it arrived and i tested it out, following the instructions provided on the packaging. It worked, but i was not impressed with the quality it delivered out of the box. Firstly, the colors where certainly washed out and looked dull and not vibrant, as i expected from using this cable, also the whites where too bright. However, for the price its not that bad, if compared with the really expensive hdfury version of an similar cable, well its better than nothing to me, until me television comes back. But after days of trying out different electronic experiments, with different types of components, i found out that adding a 200uf capacitor down the RGB lines on the cable fixed the washed out colors altogether and the picture quality being displayed on the PC monitor has improved. The colors looked natural and very good indeed, so good that i want to share how i did it.


1) Find some broken household items that are no longer working and are faulty, as they tend to have small 200uf capacitors inside them that you can unsolder from the circuit board and reuse them, instead of having to pay for new ones. Items like CRT computer monitors, radios, videos and DVD players use them.

2) Then there will be a small plastic box in the middle of the VGA cable that you will need to open. This is by inserting a flat head screwdriver into the slide to remove the top cover. Place the cover and the screwdriver down somewhere.

3) You will need to find the RGB lines, they will be marked on the circuit board, as the letters R, G, B. Then using a pair of scissors, cut each wire, there will be three thin wires. This is so you can attach the power capacitor to each wire, this is by soldering one end onto the wire and the other end onto the circuit board.

4) You will need a soldering iron and solder wire to make secure connections. What you need to do is wire the capacitor in series for each RGB line and solder the positive leg ontto the circuit board and solder the negative leg of the capacitor to the wire, applying this procedure for all three wires. The positive leg will be marked as an white color stripe going down it.

5) Once the soldering is completed, turn of the soldering iron from the mains and allow it to cool down. Then fit the capacitors inside the black box neatly and replace the plastic cover you removed earlier on, it will click back in place.
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  1. thanks for the tutorial but it would be a lot more helpful if you can show us some picture or videos on how you did it.
