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How to fix the Nokia N8 speaker problem

The Nokia N8 has many speaker issues that is not mentioned in any reviews such as every time the 3g network umts changes into 2g network gsm it uses  using gprs or edge to connect to the internet and the speaker comes on with out you turning in on.This happens only when it changes to different network modes from 2g to 3g.The other problem that most Nokia N8 customers have is when you are calling then internet connection gets reconnected and disconnected and the phone automatically turns the phones loud speaker on by itself.To stop the speaker switching on and off you have to change it back into normal mode and its a really getting of customers nerves.The Nokia n8 is a very expensive handset to buy and many people get really angry when problems like this happen.

How do i fix it then?
Its is really simple all you have to do is update and upgrade your Nokia N8 firmware version to the latest release.The older software versions have lots of bugs and glitches,like the N8 had a color glitch issues and  it use to go automatic into locking mode with out your command.Nokia release new versions of firmware because customers notice bugs and then mention them on the Nokia forums then Nokia's team try's to fix them in to the latest software update.If you are new to updating your devices software i have a really good guide that shows you how.

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