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How To Use Fiio E18 as a Portable Charger For Any Android Phone

If you own a Fiio e18 DAC portable headphone amplifier, did you know that you can also use it as a portable charger for your Android Smartphone?

When fiio e18 designed the portable amp, they also integrated a charge out feature that provides a constant 5 volts to any device that is connect to it via a USB charging cable. This is perfect if you are always on the go constantly traveling and have no access to a mains or USB power supply outlet all the time. This means you also don't have to carry a separate charging pack with you.

1) There are two ports on the bottom. The one towards the right hand side is the one used to charge your phone.

2) Connect the small sized usb cable into this port, connecting the other remaining side of the cable into your phone.

3) Turn the volume knob so that it switches on. You will hear a click sound from the relay inside and the power lights will turn blue. How many lights are on all depend on the current battery level.

4) There is a flick-able switch with three positions at the bottom. Flick it into the 'CHG OUT' mode to charge your smartphone.
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