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How To Increase Airflow In Any ECIG Vape Tank For Bigger Clouds

If you are after really big thick vape clouds, then you need the biggest possible airflow holes on your tank. The more air flow there is, the more amount of vape can get into your lungs at a quicker rate. To increase the size of them all you really need is a drill bit that goes through metal. If you want a really airy cold vape go for the biggest possible drill bit you can use to cut into the existing hole.

1) Place the vape tank into a clamp to secure it in place.

2) Attach your desired sized drill bit to the drill and plug it into the mains.

3) Position the drill bit onto the existing hole pressing down the drill.

4) When you have made the hole bigger, blow through it and clean out the metal filings for a professional finish.

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