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How To Stop & Avoid Subwoofer Box Loud Port Noise

Ported boxes provide up to a massive 3DB gain around the tuning frequency the plastic aero port tube is tuned to. This making it far more ideal for heavy bass music like rap and dubstep, if compared against a traditional sealed box. Ported/vented boxes work by creating more efficiency, which helps increase bass output with less power. The only con is that sometimes port noise can sometimes be heard loudly on low bass notes, decreasing sound quality. Port noise occurs when the air can't flow smoothly out of the port. Port noise can be stopped by flaring the end. This will help air pressure move outwards smoothly at high excursion levels on loud volume.

1) Remove the plastic aero port from the subwoofer enclosure box.

2) Place the aero port onto a flat surface and use a heat gun on low setting to warm up the top area.

3) Hold the cold bottom side of the pipe and flip the warmed up side onto the bottom of a metal mixing bowl.

4) Place your heat gun on the highest setting and point it towards the bottom of the pipe. While doing this, keep twisting the pipe left to right, until you begin to notice that the end is getting flared out.

5) Once the flare pattern has become obvious, push the top forcefully to broaden the shape. Then quickly turn off the heat gun. Then use a jug to pour called water into the hole of the port. This will allow the plastic to cool down immediately and transform it into a fully flared shape.

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