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How To Add Battery Water In a Car Battery?

Adding batter water to a car battery that drops charge, can add a few extra years to it's life span, as it keeps the car battery maintained and in good shape.

Instructions on how to top up a car battery, using a bottle of battery water.:

1)Go to a shop and buy some battery water and make sure it is distilled water. Don't be cheap and use water that is from your kitchen sink, if you do you will damage the car battery.

2)Open you car bonnet and wipe the top surface of the battery clean with a damp soft cloth.

3)Get hold of a flat head screwdriver and get access to the front part of the car battery. You are going to use the flat head screwdriver to open the vent caps.

4)Use the flat head screwdriver and remove the plastic caps from the car battery. This is by pushing the flat side of the screwdriver into all the sides of the caps, they will eventually remove themselves from the car battery.

5)Get hold of your distilled battery water and gently pour in the battery water until the water  level is below the bottom of the battery cap, when it is replaced. Apply this step for all of the caps. Make sure you don't overfill your car battery with loads of unnecessary water because acid water can leak out of the caps, so do be careful when pouring it in!

6)Once the battery water is topped to the highest level, it is then time to close the caps on the battery. This is can be done pushing each cap into the hole, using your steady hands, or using a hand plier. If the car battery is completely dead in your car, i would recommend you to remove the car battery from the vehicle and take it to your battery charger.

7)What i recommend is to get hold of a battery charger and charge up the car battery after you just topped up the battery water, but only if it is flat and fails to start up your car. This is because the battery acid can become more active, which can increase the battery's life span and make it work like brand new once again!
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1 comment:

  1. yeah, that's right.
    It is just a part of car battery maintenance. More information from Leoch International
