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How to fix a Nokia 6280 camera operation failed

If you own a Nokia 6280 and when you open your camera, you get a operation failed message or you camera stays on stand by mode, it indicates there could a software problem. This issue appeared as a common fault with most Nokia 6280 and 6288 mobile phones that were manufactured.

Below are some possible solutions that will fix all the camera problems faced on the 6280 and 6288:

1)Reset the mobile phone to factory settings.

2)Update it to the latest firmware version, using Nokia Software Updater.

3)If  updating doesn't work, try flashing the device using JAF.

4)Change the flex cable.

5)Reheat the camera's soldering connections that are soldered onto the PCB. There could be a cold or broken solder joint that is causing your camera not to function correctly.

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