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How To Fix a TomTom Sat Nav Thats Not Turning On

If you own a Tomtom sat nav and it is not turning on, therefore it's not working, then you should charge your Tomtom using a usb charging dock that is supplied with it, as your car or home charger that you are using to charge your sat nav could be damaged or faulty. If the Tomtom battery is getting charged up, a green light should be on, if you see a don't see a green light when you use a car or home charger and you see it only when you charge the sat nav using a usb charging dock, your home or car charger is the cause to the problem because it is faulty.

Other possible suggestions:

Soft reset the software on your Tomtom, simply by using a small pin or paper clip to push in the little button located on the bottom of you sat nav for 20 seconds. This will reset the software on the Tomtom and hopefully resolve the problem.

If the battery is still not getting charged up and the Tomtom is not turning on, then using a ear bud clean the socket were you insert the charger. Sometimes it can get dirt on the metal contacts inside the socket, which can prevent a proper connection to occur between the Tomtom and the charger. Insert your charger into the Tomtom, does the green light come on?

Remove the battery pack from the TomTom for 5 minutes and reinsert the battery back into the Tomtom. Once the battery is removed, the Tomtom will hard reset itself and will give it a fresh start. If still no luck and it will still not turn on, then i suggest you replace the battery pack because the battery pack currently in your Tomtom sat nav can be damaged or faulty.

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