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How To Fix a Car Subwoofer With No Sound

If your car subwoofer has no sound, then apply these given solutions below:

1)Is your car amplifier actually powering on? If your car amplifier is not powering on, then carry out a diagnostic.

2)Make sure the speaker wire is connected to the appropriate terminals on the amplifier and subwoofer, with correct polarity.

3)Make sure the rca leads are inserted correctly into the car amplifier and car stereo.

4)Adjust the gain on your car amplifier, in case you have turned the gain all the way down, to it's minimum level by mistake.

5)Make sure that the subwoofer gain on your car head unit is set to it's maximum level. Sometimes by mistake, the subwoofer gain can be turned completely off, without you knowing.

6)If you have carried out solutions 1-5 and your car subwoofer still doesn't work, there might be a slight possibility that your car subwoofer is blown.

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