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Fix a Car Battery That Won't Hold Charge In The Cold

If your car battery, in cold weather is struggling or altogether doesn't hold enough charge to start up your car, then apply the solutions below:

1)Replace your car battery with a brand new car battery. If your car battery posts are corroded, then you will need to replace your battery, or clean them. The current car battery, that is in your car can become weak, after a while and will not hold charge for long, which can be one reason why your battery is dead overnight.

2)Check the alternator wires that connect to the battery. If they are corroded, then replace them.

3)It is probably your car's alternator that has become faulty and damaged and therefore, it is not charging the car battery up correctly, which results in your battery not holding charge and becoming dead. Take your car to a local garage and ask them to identify if your car alternator is faulty.

4)If you applied solutions 1-3 and you still have not solved this problem, the starter motor can be the cause to this problem, so get it checked out.

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