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How To Turn Off Progressive Scan Mode On a PS2 Console

A ps2 console has a progressive scan feature to make the graphics displayed on high definition televisions and digital televisions look smoother, with less flickering. If you are using your ps2 console on a television that is not HD and is not digital, the progressive scan feature on the ps2 console will mess up the graphics displayed on your TV screen, they will be fuzzy and unpleasant to your eyes when watching a DVD movie using your ps2 console. Thankfully, there is a method that allows you to turn off progressive scan on your Playstation 2 console, to solve these kinds of problems.


1)Insert a DVD movie into the ps2 disc tray and reset the console. The DVD movie will load and play like normal, but the display on the television will be black and will display no picture.

2)Press the "Reset" button the front of the ps2 console, the button that has the green led indicator on it.

3)Then press down and then hold the "Start" button on the ps2 controller that is connect the controller port 1.

4)The ps2 will turn of progressive scan mode in its settings and when the ps2 starts to play your DVD movie, with the progressive scan turned off, you should see the DVD playing on your TV screen.

5)You can then release the "Start" button your are pressing down on the controller. 

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