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How To Create a PS1 Virtual Memory Card On Your PS3

If you have a backwards compatible PS3 console that plays PS1 games, at some point you will need to save the progress you have made in the games. The console doesn't have any memory card slots like with the original PlayStation console. This means that you can't use your old memory cards you used with your PSone with the PS3. The PS3 has a feature that allows you to virtually create memory cards on the internal hard disk drive. This means no physical hardware of actual memory cards are required to save games. Creating a PS1 virtual memory on your PS3 will allow you to have up to 1MB of storage capacity.

1) Press the 'Power' button on your PlayStation 3 console to power it on.

2) From the 'XMB' menu go to 'Game'  > 'Memory Card Utility (PS/PS2)'.

3) Select the 'New Internal Memory Card' option displayed onscreen.

4) Select the 'Internal Memory Card (PS)' option displayed onscreen.

5) A box will appear onscreen allowing you to change the name of the memory card. To proceed further with the creation of the virtual memory card select the 'OK' option.

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