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How to fit a car subwoofer into a subwoofer enclosure

Instructions on how to fit a car subwoofer into a car subwoofer enclosure correctly:

1)Get your car subwoofer and buy the recommend gauge speaker wire.

2)Next using a soldering iron, solder the speaker wire onto the terminals on the terminal cup, according to the matching polarity.

3)Once you have solder them securely, get your car subwoofer and also solder the speaker wires onto the terminals on the sub.

4)Then place your car subwoofer into the enclosure and place the screws into the holes. Using a screwdriver, tighten all the screws, to prevent air leaks and to stop the subwoofer from falling out of the enclosure.

5)Now you have fitted your car subwoofer into your enclosure, you are now ready to connect it to your car amplifier.

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