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How To Fix Pioneer Headunit RCA Preout Buzzing Noise Problem

Overview of this particular problem

If you own a Pioneer headunit and you experience buzzing static interference sounds in your car audio system, from the speakers or subwoofer, which is connected to your amplifier, then you need to do something about it. If you are using good quality RCA cables, with good amount of shielding on them and the 12 volt power and RCA leads are running down separate sides of the car, it is probably not engine noise or alternator whine.

If you own a Pioneer stereo, it is most likely it being the cause to you hearing the buzzing sound. Pioneer stereos are common to be the cause of buzzing to occur because of the pico micro fuse soldered onto the circuit board tends to blow out easily. The pico micro fuse usually blows out because of unplugging or plugging in RCA leads into the RCA preouts found on the headunit, while it is turned on. There is no real fix besides replacing the actual micro fuse, but there is a temporary DIY way to fix this problem.

So how can i fix this annoying preout buzzing noise?

The best possible way to overcome this problem is by grounding the shields on the RCA  preouts you are using for your car amplifier, grounding them directly to bare metal onto your cars chassis. This will trick the Pioneer CD player into thinking that the pico micro fuse is still functional and usually will get rid buzzing sounds you hear.

1) Power off the stereo and using a flat head screwdriver, remove it from the din slot in your car. Since you will be needing access to the RCA connections, which are only found at the rear of the headunit. Remember that you don't need to unplug the car amplifier RCA leads from the RCA preouts found on the headunit.

2) Get hold of some thick speaker wire that is around 10 gauge in size because that type is the most sufficient to provide a good quality ground. If you don't have 10 gauge speaker wires available, similar sized wire would still be just as good. You will be needing two speaker wires for one pair of RCA preouts.

4) Using a 'wire stripper' tool, remove about 1 cm of plastic outer-coating insulation from one end of the speaker wire. Then strip of 5 cm off the other end of the speaker wire, this side will need to have more copper braid exposed, since you are going to wrap it several times around the RCA shields. Repeat this procedure for the second speaker wire.

5) The side of the speaker wire that you have removed 5cm of plastic outer-coating insulation off, wrap onto the left RCA preout shield found on the headunit numerous times, until there is no more copper wire to wrap around it. The shield is the metal part that goes around the middle pin on the plug. Repeat this procedure for the second speaker wire, but instead wrap the wire around the right RCA preout shield.

6) Now you will need to actually ground the speaker wires to the cars chassis. Find a location that would be the most suitable, ideally you want a location that reaches to length of the speaker wires that you have used. Existing bolts would be most ideal if the car has any already in place. But if you don't see any, you will need to drill a hole and insert a bolt yourself. Once you have found a good grounding location, using a flat head screwdriver, scratch off any paint or rust around the bolt. This will help make electrical connections better and make the ground stronger.

7) Get a 'ring terminal' that holds 10 gauge wire and insert the remaining side of the speaker wire into the hole where the wire slips into. Then using a pair of 'pliers' to press down the outer plastic where the wire goes into, to crimp the wire into its connector. Do this procedure for the second speaker wire that you are using to ground the RCA preouts.

8) Using a correct sized spanner, remove the bolt and insert the ring terminals into its spot. Once you have done that, replace the bolt you removed and tighten it up.

9) Check that the RCA leads are firmly connected into the RCA preouts found on the headunit. This is to ensure they are securely in, so they don't cause problems later on when you have reinstalled the deck back into its din slot. Once they have been checked, replace the headunit back into the din slot and you're good to go after that!

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