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How To Fix a Nokia 6233 White Screen Problem

If your Nokia 6233 has a white screen problem, you can repair it yourself by applying these possible solutions to fix it:

1)First thing you should do is update the firmware on the 6233 to the latest version. If there is no firmware update available, then reinstall the same firmware. Usually 65.3% the white screen on a Nokia 6233 is a software related issue.

2)If updating didn't fix the white screen of death, i recommend you replace the LCD screen.

3)Check the socket connector were the LCD display ribbon connects into. Sometimes there can be cold solder joints that connect the LCD connector to the PCB. So get a heat gun and reheat the connector, just to make sure the problem is not occurring because of the LCD connector.

4)Reheat the display ic on the PCB.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for giving idea. I will try it then u told u working or not
