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What Do Spark Plugs Do In a Car Engine?

You might be wondering what do spark plugs do inside a car engine and why are they needed, well I am going to explain it. A spark plug is a small device that is placed into the cylinder head inside a car engine because it was invented in 1860 by Etienne Lenoir, when he created the first engine that runs because of combustion.

The explanation why it is placed into the cylinder inside a car engine is so the electrical spark that is created by a high voltage coil, which also travels through a spark plugs wire, when the on board computer tells the spark plug to create a spark when you start up your car. When this happens, it will ignite the combustion mixture of fuel and air inside the car engine; this is to make the car engine start up and function. 

The combustion occurs inside the car engine, when the spark from the coil ignites the squashed fuel vapor into the cylinder. This then will cause an explosion to be created and will force the piston and piston rod down; this makes the crankshaft rotate, then makes the gears rotate and then finally the wheels turn, when you apply pressure to the throttle. Once the spark plugs has triggered the combustion to occur, the engine no longer requires them, as the fuel burns repeatedly because it will be entered in the combustion chamber.

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