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Are High Caffeine Energy Drinks Bad For Your Body?

Are high caffeine energy drinks like Red bull are bad for your own health?

Many people drinking energy drinks on a daily basis of their life, this is to obtain a boost in energy and to make them more awake throughout the day, this is could be because they have not had enough sleep. Don't get me wrong, the caffeine inside the energy drink does actually wake you up and gives you energy for about 5 hours, but the long term side effects can be serious for your body.

Drinking too many energy drinks during your life can seriously effect and have a impact on your own health of your body. An overdose of drinking energy drinks can increase the chances of you having a heart attack because when you drink it, your heat rate increase rapidly, which is the reason why you can feel instant energy, this places strains in your blood vessels. You can also do damage to your teeth, such as making them stained in yellow color and increase tooth decay to occur, due to the ridiculous amount of sugar that is contained in it.

So my advice don't choose an energy drink as your daily drink because they are not good for your health without question, have water instead. If you can't resist the taste of them, then try to reduce the amount of energy drinks you drink, get more hours of quality sleep and you should be fine.

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