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How To Check If Your PSP Screen Has Dead Pixels

If not sure if your psp screen has dead pixels, you can use a black colour background as a image and use it as a dead pixel checker background. The black background colour allows users to check and to spot any dead pixels on the psp screen. So get a random black colour wallpaper from Google images that matches the resolution of the psp screen and copy it onto the images folder on the memory stick. Then load the black colour background onto your psp console, this is by selecting 'photo' and then select the memory stick and find the black colour wallpaper, by pressing the button 'X'.

Once it is opened, increase the back light of the psp screen to its maximum level, this is by pressing the brightness button. Once you have done that, look carefully at the screen to identify any dead pixels that are exposed. A dead pixel shows up as a white dot, if you see any of them on the psp screen, if they are minor they can be repaired, this is using a soft cloth and pressing with force onto them. If the dead pixels don't fix themselves when applying pressure to them, then you will need to replace the screen. If you see no white dots on the psp screen, your psp doesn't have dead pixels, which is a good news!

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