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How To Fix Nokia 6500 Slide White Screen Of Death

If your Nokia 6500 slide has the white screen of death problem or if it shows a blank screen, you can try the
following solutions to help fix it:

1)Reset it to factory settings.

2)Update the firmware to the latest up-to-date version. Updating the firmware version is free, all you need is a computer with a internet connection , usb cable and Nokia Software Updater downloaded onto your hard drive.

3)Replace the flex ribbon cable and it should remove the blank screen problem and i am 99.9 % sure!

6)Replace the LCD screen.

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  1. done all of these things but still have a white screen,

  2. my screen is changing from white, black and picture of time settings

    please help if you know what is wrong

    but i know that my nokia is not working till i got music from other phone
