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How To Make Your PSP Console Load Games Faster

If you are wanting to make the psp console load games more faster, then below are some solutions, solutions that you can apply to your psp console, to reduce loading times:

1)The first thing that you should do to make your psp console load games faster, is to install custom firmware onto your psp console. Once you installed custom firmware onto your psp console, you can increase the clock speed of the CPU and ram. Increasing the clock speed of these two components, can make the psp run more faster and smoother, increase frame rates in games and reduce game loading times. Below is a blog post, with clear instructions that are provided, to tell you how to increase the clock speed on your psp.

How To Increase The Clock Speed Of The Psp Console

2)Once you have custom firmware installed onto your psp, you can play games, from the memory stick. Playing games from the memory stick, instead of using a umd disc, can reduce loading times.

3)Skip cut scenes that are in most games, can increase the loading time of the game.

4)Check the game developers website, of the game you are having slow loading times with because sometimes they release patches, that increase the performance of the game.

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