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How To Copy Games On a R4 Card For The DS Console

If you have a r4 card for your Nintendo ds, in order to play games and load them from your r4 card, you will need to copy them onto the micro SD memory card, that fits into the r4 card.

Downloading the games onto the Nintendo ds r4 card is not that complex as you think, below are the instructions:

1)Your r4 card should come with a mini SD card reader, that lets you insert a micro SD memory card into the reader and copy stuff onto the memory card. If you have it, insert the micro SD memory card into the card reader and insert the card reader into a spare usb port on your computer or laptop.

2)Then using Windows explorer, create a new folder called "GAMES" onto the root of the micro SD memory card, if it doesn't already exist.

3)Copy the games you want to load onto the r4 card, into the GAMES folder you just created.

4)Once you have copied the games, remove the micro SD memory card from the card reader and insert the memory card into the r4.

5)Insert the r4 card into your Nintendo ds console and power it on, your games will under the option called "Play Games" from the menu on the r4 card.

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  1. I do not see how I can copy the games into the games folder when the game is on a Nintendo game cartridge. How do I connect the game cartridge to the computer.
    Please help as my 6 year old son is about to kill me if I don,t do this soon.

  2. It is easy to copy games on R4. Just we need backup because it essential thing. When we insert slot card with memory card, then we could easily copy game on our console.

  3. R4 card is really best choice for although gamers who want to play more hardcore games and home brew application on their portal. I have already brought that game which allows me to do more than games with my console like watch movies,browse pictures, Wi-fi connection and more.
