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Are Subaru Reliable Cars and Expensive To Maintain?

Subaru make great looking, fast and great sounding cars, that are good for all purposes, but the question today is are Subaru reliable cars and expensive to maintain?

Well in the past, i have owned a Subaru Impreza wrx sti and i found it a reliable car and it didn't let me down, as i kept up with regular maintenance work. A few friends of my also own a Subaru Impreza and claim that it's affordable to insure and maintain, just like any other car on the road today. From my point of view, my Subaru that i had in the past needed an oil change every 4000 miles, a new air filter and a new timing belt regularly to make my Subaru more reliable and prepared for the road. The reliability of owning a Subaru car depends on how much you are willing to spend on the engine to keep it maintained. If you're not going to carry out basic maintenance repair work, such as changing the oil every 4000 miles, then the car will start to get neglected towards being unreliable.

A Subaru being reliable also depends on the quality of the parts you replace. For example, if you buy cheap engine oil from Ebay, it will not have the same quality as the original type of engine oil from a Subaru dealership, which will reflect on the reliability of the engine. If you replace parts, make sure you them with original parts from a Subaru dealership, as they ensure to be more reliable, if compared to cheap fakes parts on sites like Ebay. Buying genuine parts that are made bu Subaru reduce the chances of further maintenance to be carried out in the future.

Subaru cars are not really expensive to maintain, as the price of maintenance depends of how often you drive it. If you drive it hard as your daily car, you will need to replace the clutch regularly, change the engine oil more often, which can add up to an expensive total. If you drive it on the weekends and not to frequently, then you will reduce the expense on maintenance repair work, as the clutch will not burn out as quick as driving the car daily and plus you don't have to change the engine oil often, which will save you some cash.

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