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How To Fix a Car CD player With No Sound

If your car CD player is powering on, but plays no sound from your car speakers, then try the solutions that i have provided below:

1)Make sure that you have connected the speaker wires correctly and securely and they are connected onto the terminals on the speaker. Sometimes the speaker wire braid is not solder onto the speaker's terminal, which sometimes can make the speaker wire braid, disconnect from the terminal, which results in no sound. Also make sure that the speaker wires are connected correctly and securely onto the appropriate speaker output wires on the car head unit wiring harness.

2)Get a spare speaker and directly connect that speaker, to the speaker wires on the car head unit harness plug. If the speaker works, it shows there is something wrong with your speaker wiring that your using for your car speakers. If it's stock speaker wiring your using to send output signal to your speakers, then replace it.

3)If there is no sound coming from the spare speaker, you used to test the sound. Then replace the hardness plug because it could be damaged.

4)If you have replaced the hardness plug and there still is no sound coming from your car speakers, then you car CD player is damaged. The internal amplifier inside it is probably fried. So i suggest you run a external amp, to power your car speakers, or replace the car head unit

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