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How to Insert a 3G Sim card into 3G PSP Vita Sim Card Slot

If you have an psp vita that has wifi and 3g compatibility, then you can access the internet content on the gaming system using a 3g sim card, which has a data plan or tariff added onto it. Depending on the network you are using, the cost of plans are fairly cheap, but prices do tend to increase if you are wanting lots of internet usage data. This makes it convenient for your psp vita to access internet content, when a wifi access point is not available for you to use with the console. The 3g version of the psp vita console acts just like a smartphone, when you insert a sim card into the device, the psp will connect to a phone transmitter and access the internet the way a mobile phone access it. 

Instructions are straight forward:

1) Power off your psp vita console, place the console down and then remove the sim card from its packaging. 

2) Once you have removed the sim from its packaging, read through the leaflets provided with it, this is so you can read the internet plan offers, to see which one suits your need the best. Pick a large data bundle if you are going to use internet access on the psp vita for numerous hours on a daily basis or chose a plan with less data, if you are not going to use internet on your psp vita often.

3) Once you have decided which plan is the best for you, go ahead and top the sim card up and select the tariff you want to add onto the sim card. Once you have done that, you are then ready to insert into the sim card slot found on the console itself.

4) The sim card slot is located on the left hand side of the console, like shown in the image below.

5) What you need to do is remove the flap that hides it, this is easy, insert the edge of your finger nail into the slide of the flap and push it outwards. Then you will have access to remove the sim card slot holder.

6) Remove the sim card holder from the psp vita, then insert your sim card into the holder the correct way, like shown in the above picture.

7) Then insert the sim card holder back into the slot on the psp console and power on your psp vita. 

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