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How To Make a Homemade Fuse Tester / How To Test a Electrical Fuse Without Using a Multimeter

If a electrical item you have doesn't work, its very likely that the fuse inside the appliance that protects the circuit, is blown out. If you don't have the proper testing equipment, like a multimeter or a test screwdriver, to test the fuse if its working or not, then as a alternative method, you can create your own homemade device to check fuses. The device that you can make is basically an simply bulb circuit, instead of placing an inline switch in the circuit, you will have two wires that you attach to each end of the fuse. If the bulb lights up, then the wire inside the fuse is good and is not burnt out and if the bulb doesn't light up, then the fuse is blown and you will need to obtain an replacement fuse.

Instructions are very simple:

1) You will need to obtain a bulb holder with a working bulb, you can get these from small electrical hardware shops. Screw the bulb into the bulb holder and using a Philips screwdriver, unscrew the two screws on each side of the bulb holder, this is so you can insert a wire into each screw.

2) Insert the braid of the wire into one screw, found on one side of the bulb and using the screwdriver, screw the screw tight. Then insert the other wire's braid into the other screw, found on the opposite side and again using your screwdriver screw it tight.

3)Once them wires have been connected to the bulb holder, you will need to a power source to power the circuit, this can be an battery and a battery holder, to hold it in place. Insert the battery into the battery holder and locate the two terminals found on the back of it. One will be an positive + and the other will be negative -.

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