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How To Fix NAT Router is Too Strict In GTA IV For PS3

If you are attempting to play Grand Theft Auto IV online on your ps3 console, some people will get the message displayed on their TV screen that says 'NAT router too strict' and then the game disconnected from the internet. This can be annoying because you get ready to play online with your friends and then you get cut off. The reason why that error can occur is because there are ports on the router that are blocking incoming and outcoming traffic. Most routers that are from the factory have the ports blocked, so you will have to open up the ports yourself. See you user manual for specific instructions on how to open up ports on a router, as different brand and models have different instructions.

You don't need to open all the ports for gta IV, you just need to open the ports that are listed below:

UDP ports; 6672 8900
TCP ports: 8001 27900

If you are struggling and finding it difficult to open the ports on your router, i have an educational tutorial video that shows you how to open ports on a router, you might find it useful:

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