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How To Clean Portable DVD Player Screen Professionally!

If you are using your portable DVD player on a daily basis, the screen will become dusty and have finger prints on it. This can be avoided by keeping the device in a dust free environment when not in use and also by not touching the screen. Cleaning the screen on your portable DVD player will remove all existing dust and marks, making it look brand new once again. When cleaning the screen, please don't use any unknown chemical solvents, other that the appropriate cleaning solution provided with the kit. This is because other types of liquids can damage the LCD screen. Also don't use a regular tissue paper, use a special lint free soft cloth. This is because it contains special fibers that are dust free that don't scratch against plastic.

1) Power off your portable DVD player. Then place it in a well lit location, possibly next to a window or underneath a ceiling light. This will make easier for you to see the dust and marks on the outer screen.

2) Remove the plastic cap from the cleaning solution spray. Aim the solution 5cm away from the screen and begin to spray. Spray in all areas of the screen to ensure the solution is evenly spread out.

3) Get your microfiber cloth and gently wipe off the solution until it is no longer visible. Don't clean with strong force because you could cause it to get cracked.

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