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How To Make Your USB Have More Space

If you want to gain more extra space on your usb flash drive, you can use 7-Zip or Winrar to the make files more smaller, therefore saving valuable space. 7-Zip and Winrar are both excellent software's, both that let you compress files and make them smaller. Using both types of software is not complex at all, in fact all you need to do is open the file up, using your chosen compression software and click compress, and save the compressed file to your chosen destination.

To also squeeze extra space from your usb memory stick, try to delete unwanted files, that you don't use or need. If you do so, you will make your usb boot faster, free up space and reduce its chances to not respond with Windows.

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1 comment:

  1. bekaar.
    i just wanted to know how to convert a 4GB USB into 8GB USB
