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How To Fix a Car Cd Player With a Jammed CD

If your CD is stuck inside your car head unit and you press the eject button and the disc does not eject out, you will need to try some of the following tricks to fix it:

1)Get hold of a spare CD disc, using it, try to insert it underneath the jammed disc, the disc that's stuck in your car in dash CD player. While you are wiggling the spare CD underneath the jammed disc, press the eject button at the same time. Hopefully, your stuck CD will successfully eject out.

2)Get a spare knife or a a similar pointy object and get some strong cello tape. Stick the cello tape onto the pointy end of the knife. Once you have done that, insert the knife underneath the stuck CD, making the cello tape stick the the disc. Once you have found a good placement for the cello tape on the knife to stick on the CD, gently lift the knife in outwards direction and press eject at the same time.

3)If the following tricks don't work, the only last resort is to open your car head unit and remove the CD manually.

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