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How To Fix a Noisy Computer Fan Using Sewing Machine Oil

If your computer fan is noisy and it is loud, usually poring a little lubricant into the computer fan's motor, can help reduce the noise it makes, when it is operating. It's not a complex procedure to carry because i explain how to oil a computer fan, just below this text:

Instructions On How To Oil a Noisy Computer Fan:

1)Firstly, you will need to get some oil that acts as a lubricate, this can be anything that is oil based, such as sewing machine oil, which i used on my own computer fan and it worked great.

2)Remove the fan from your computer and unplug the fan connector, a appropriate shape and size screwdriver will be needed.

3)Once you have removed the fan, you will  notice on the middle of the computer fan, there will be a sticker, that says the specifications of the fan. Using you hand, gently remove this sticker, as you will need to remove to get access to the motor.

4)Now that you have removed the sticker, you will see a little hole, using your lubricate oil, pour a sensible amount into the hole.

5)Place the sticker back were is was placed originally.

6)Mount and screw your fan were you removed it from and plug in the fan connector.

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